TARG hosted IAMU delegates at USN Vestfold campus
TARG delightfully hosted Johan Eliasson from Chalmers University of Technology, and PhD candidate Yusuke Mori from World Maritime University at University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) on 1st December. READ MORE
TARG member received appreciation at an international conference
TARG member Hasan Mahbub Tusher was praised as one of the best presenters at Loss Prevention Asia (LPA2021) international conference for the work titled “Non-technical skill for reducing accidents in European process industry” READ MORE
TARG pitched in at IAMU Webinar on “Future competencies for seafarer”
On 28th April, the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) organized a virtual event led by a group of experts from around the world to share their research on the requirement of future skills for seafarers. READ MORE
AHFE 2022 Call for Papers announced
The International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022) is scheduled for July 24-28, 2022 in New York, USA. READ MORE
OpenAR Project Kick-off: Augmenting Reality for Maritime Operations
On May 21st, Friday, the OpenAR project (Full name: “OpenAR – Framework for augmented reality advanced maritime operations”) had its project kickoff held virtually. Work Package leader Steven Mallam represented TARG and USN in the project which aims to develop knowledge that will enable the Norwegian industry to safely integrate user-friendly AR technologies in advanced maritime operations. READ MORE
TARG pitched in at IAMU Webinar on “Future competencies for seafarer”
On 28th April, the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) organized a virtual event led by a group of experts from around the world to share their research on the requirement of future skills for seafarers. READ MORE
ENHANCE shared its journey at the Norwegian launch of Horizon Europe
ENAHNCE coordinator Prof. Salman Nazir form the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) was invited in the “Norwegian launch of Horizon Europe” on 26th October, arranged by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) READ MORE
COAST sets sail with a virtual kick-off
Centre of Excellence in Maritime Simulator Training and Assessment (COAST) formally kicked off via digital ceremony on 21 October. Although COAST started formally on 1 June, the kick-off was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. READ MORE
COAST internal workshop on “Student Engagement” and “Research Design”
On 22nd October, all consortium partners from University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) and UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) have participated in a virtual workshop. READ MORE
Tae-Eun Kim defended her PhD
TARG congratulates Tae-eun Kim for her successful PhD defence held in 4th of December 2020 in a virtual program. Both the assessment committee, supervisor team along with researchers, teachers and students from partners and collaborating institutions attended the event. READ MORE
TARG member wins USN Idea Competition
In December, TARG’s Steven Mallam was selected as the University of South-Eastern Norway – USN’s Idea Competition winner for the project “DesignStory: Immersive Storytelling for User-Centred Engineering”. READ MORE
OpenAR Project Awarded Funding by Research Council of Norway
The Research Council of Norway recently awarded funding for the project: “OpenAR – Framework for augmented reality advanced maritime operations”. OpenAR brings together AR technology developer Microsoft. READ MORE
HFES Paper and Presentation
In October, TARG wrote and presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Annual Meeting, originally planned to take place in Chicago, but implemented as a digital event. READ MORE
TARG Research covered in Swedish Media
Steven Mallam was interviewed for an article on the work environment and design issues onboard vessels in the November issue of Sjöbefälen READ MORE
TARG presented in the ESCAPE30 virtual symposium
The ESCAPE 30 European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering, originally scheduled in Milano, took place virtually on August 31-September 2 READ MORE
TARG invitation for special issue published in IAMU website
TARG leader Prof. Salman Nazir has been a guest editor for the special issues “Autonomous and Remote-Controlled Ship Operations” in Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417) and “Emerging Issues in Maritime Education and Training” in Education Sciences (ISSN 2227-7102) journals READ MORE
Simen joins as a new Doctoral Research Fellow in TARG
Simen Hjellvik has started his PhD with the new research group I-MERSE, an interdisciplinary research group initiated by the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). READ MORE
TARG Participating in New Virtual Reality Project for Ship Design
TARG is happy to be involved in a new innovation project, OpenVR, funded by the Research Council of Norway. OpenVR will investigate the use of Virtual Reality solutions for ship design development, where TARG’s Steven Mallam is work package leader. READ MORE
TARG Presents at the Royal Institution of Naval Architects
In March 2020, TARG’s Steven Mallam presented at the Royal Institute for Naval Architects “Damaged Ship V” conference in London. The paper presented investigated the 2017 US Navy accident of USS John S. McCain and the impact of digitalization and poor human-centred design on crew situational awareness and decision-making. Watch the full presentation on YouTube here! READ MORE
TARG members continue peer-reviewed publications
This year has been very exciting for TARG with innovative new projects and productive colleagues. Along with one successful PhD defense of a valued member, the peer-reviewed publications in journals for all other members are in full swing. READ MORE
TARG member’s digital PhD defence
TARG is proud to share that Jørgen Ernstsen, a distinguished member of the team has successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic of “Reducing the subjective impact in maritime simulator assessment: A performance assessment tool for maritime pilotage operations” at USN. READ MORE
TARG continues through “guest editorship” on a special issue
TARG members Prof. Salman Nazir and Assoc. Prof. Gesa Praetorius have been invited to the guest editor panel for the special issue “Emerging Issues in Maritime Education and Training” of the peer-reviewed journal Education Sciences (ISSN 2227-7102) by the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).READ MORE
USN presents project ENHANCE at RCN
The Research Council of Norway (RCN) has arranged a seminar for prospective applicants seeking for funding through EU HORIZON 2020 framework. The seminar focused on projects aligning with Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) “Research and Innovation Staff Exchange” (RISE).READ MORE
Scientific publication continues through project ENHANCE
A new paper titled “OPERATOR TRAINING FOR THE NON-TECHNICAL SKILLS IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRY” (by Tusher H.M., Mallam S., Praetorious G., Yang Z., Nazir S., Stock W.) has been accepted in 30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE30) and will be published in “Computer Aided Chemical Engineering” book series by Elsevier.READ MORE
Norway gets her first Centre for Excellence (SFU) in maritime training through USN
On 12th of December 2019, Minister of Education and Research Iselin Nybø and DIKU’s Director General Harald Nybølet visited the USN at campus Vestfold. READ MORE
USN hosts workshop for project HUMANE
Workshop for the HUMANE project took a place during 27th to 28th of November 2019 at USN, campus Drammen.The aim of the workshop was to gather expertise in automation, maritime automation, human factors, safety, training and assessment. READ MORE
TARG participates in 20th General Assembly of IAMU
The University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) was represented by TARG’s Salman Nazir at the 20th Annual General Assembly of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) held in Tokyo, Japan between 29th October and 2nd November 2019. READ MORE
Ergoship 2019 in Haugesund
Between 24th – 25th of September, 3 members (Amit, Simen and Sathiya) from the TARG research team participated at the ErgoShip conference, hosted by Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and presented three research articles. READ MORE
HFES Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington
At the end of October, TARG presented two papers at the 63rd Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington. Steven Mallam attended HFES, which is one of the largest conferences for Human Factors researchers, educators, practitioners and policy makers, READ MORE
USN hosts seminar on Dynamic Risk Assessment by Malaysian ENHANCE partner
EU HORIZON2020 ENHANCE project’s secondee from Malaysia – Associate Professor Risza Rusli from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) – gave a seminar at the University of South-Eastern Norway’s (USN) Campus Vestfold on 18th of October 2019.READ MORE
9th International Workshop on Training and Assessment
The 9th Workshop on Training and Assessment titled “Enlightening the Technology Gap for Safety: Work as Done vs. Work as Imagined” was successfully conducted on 9th-10th October 2019 at University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), campus Drammen.READ MORE
USN hosts its first research event for project HUMANE.
Round-table exercise for the HUMANE project took place on 4th of October 2019 at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). The aim of the roundtable exercise was to extract tacit knowledge on seafarer’s skills that is often overlooked when maritime systems are designed from a pure engineering perspective. READ MORE
ENHANCE international workshop was held in Drammen
The EU project ENHANCE arranged a one-day workshop with all the secondees being hosted in Norway for Work Package 1. The focus of the workshop was on sharing updates, synthesizing knowledge and planning for future work READ MORE
NUST holds ENHANCE SEMINAR on how virtual reality is a game-changer
ENHANCE’s Principal Investigator, Professor Salman Nazir from the University of South-Eastern Norway, was seconded to the National University of Sciences & Technology Pakistan’s (NUST) Islamabad campus from 13th to 23rd of September 2019.READ MORE
OpenBridge Presented at Human Factors in Control Forum
Steven Mallam was an invited guest speaker to the Human Factors in Control (HFC) Forum fall meeting held in Trondheim from October 22nd-23rd. The theme of the two-day meeting was “Managing Maritime Operations through Human Factors”.READ MORE
InnoTraining Project Workshop-Fall 2019
Project workshop for the InnoTraining research project took place on 15th October 2019 at the University of South-Eastern Norway’s (USN) Campus Vestfold.The goal of the full day workshop was to synergize the work carried out by the different project partners. READ MORE
TARG VR Research Presented at International Simulation User Conference
The InnoTraining project was invited to be presented at this year’s Konsgberg Digital’s International Simulation User Conference in Rotterdam, Netherlands from September 25th– 26th. The two-day 2019 conference was held on board the historic S.S. Rotterdam, a 1950’s era Holland America Line steamer now converted into a hotel and museum ship. READ MORE
Centre for Excellence in student-centered simulator training on the horizon
September 4th, students, teachers, researchers, institutional leaders, alumni and industrial partners were gathered to present their intentions/strategy to become a Centre for Excellence in Maritime Simulator Training and Assessment (COAST). READ MORE
I-MERSE: A new research group in the making
I-MERSE is the brand-new addition to the research cluster initiated by the University of South-Eastern Norway in the field of advanced immersive technologies (e.g. Virtual and Augmented Reality.This research group will collaborate in an interdisciplinary fashion to make Virtual Reality (VR) a go-to technology in education, READ MORE
11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2020)
You are cordially invited to participate in the 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2020) and the Affiliated Conferences to be held at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, California, USA, July 16-20, 2020. With the aim to disseminate and exchange scientific information there will be presented keynote presentations, parallel sessions, demonstration and poster sessions, READ MORE
Chinese ENHANCE partner from Wuhan visits USN
EU HORIZON2020 ENHANCE project’s partner from China – Professor Di Zhang from Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) – visited University of South-Eastern Norway’s (USN) Campus Vestfold on 13th of August 2019. READ MORE
ENHANCE partners’ meet at AHFE conference 2019 in Washington, D.C.
The International Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) conference 2019 was held this year between July 24-28 in Washington D.C. USA. Thousands of researchers in the Human Factors domain gathered on this occasion to share their knowledge and findings in their most recent works. READ MORE
ENHANCE secondees meet at USN
USN is visited by the first secondees of EU HORIZON2020 project ENHANCE in Norway: Hazel Bryan Sivori from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) in the UK is a secondee to Kongsberg Digital in Horten.READ MORE
TARG Presents at the Home of Hamlet for NES 2019!
Earlier this week Steven Mallam attended the 50th Nordic Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (NES) Conference in Elsinore, Denmark. Elsinore is noted for the site of Kronborg Castle, the setting of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet.READ MORE
TARG attends AHFE-2019 conference in Washington, D.C.
10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE)- 2019 was held in Washington D.C. USA from July 24th to July 28th, 2019. This year TARG was represented in the conference by Salman Nazir. READ MORE
ENHANCE Newsletter is out!
The first ever newsletter for ENHANCE is published online. TARG is immensely proud of being a part of this prolific project from the beginning. The newsletter includes recent developments within ENHANCE, first-hand secondee experience in ENHANCE partnering organizations READ MORE
TARG goes to the Arctic for new project!T
TARG is happy to announce that is it a partner and work package leader for the research and innovation project OpenBridge! The OpenBridge Design System is developing design guidelines based on modern user interface READ MORE
COAST made it to the SFU 2019 final round
The University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) is in the race of being the Norwegian Center for Excellence in Education (SFU) for the period 2020-2024. SFU-2019 application was a MARKOM 2020 project initiative through a consortium of four institutions (USN, NTNU, UiT and HVL) READ MORE
USN welcomes the first secondee from Germany for project “ENHANCE”
Charlotte Hohnemann, the secondee of EU project ENHANCE, was greeted by several members of TARG team in informal atmosphere on 3rd August 2019. She is a master – and soon-to-be a PhD – student, seconded from the Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) to Kongsberg Group. READ MORE
TARG researcher contributed as co-editor to two new books
TARG researcher Salman Nazir is honoured to contribute as co-editor to the following publications: Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership, and Advances in Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences READ MORE
TARG attends TransNav Conference in Gdynia 2019
13th International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation (TransNav) was held in Gdynia, Poland from 12th to 14th June 2019, which is organized by the Faculty of Navigation of the Gdynia Maritime University READ MORE
EU project “ENHANCE” on full swing through secondments
There has been two secondees from USN to RWE Power AG, Cologne, Germany till now. TARG member Associate Professor Steve and master’s student Hasan from the Department of Maritime Operations READ MORE
Delegation from Maharashtra Maritime Board (MMB) visits USN
On June 7th the Maharashtra Maritime Board (MMB) delegation to NorShipping in Oslo visited University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), Vestfold campus to inquire about the researches in maritime education and training. READ MORE
ENHANCE Kick-off meeting: “You will come up with new solutions to avoid accidents”
Prorector Kristian Bogen at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) says increased technological complexity both at sea and at land calls for a different kind of training, in order to avoid serious accidents caused by human errors.READ MORE
USN responds to Centre for Excellence in Education (SFU)-call 2019
TARG, being an important part of the Department of Maritime Operations (IMA) at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), envisioned the innovative potential of the best simulator practices in maritime education.READ MORE
TARG particiapted at IAMU 19th AGA in Barcelona, Spain
TARG member, Salman Nazir, participated in 19thAnnual General Assembly (AGA) for the International Association of Maritime University (IAMU). READ MORE
8th International WorkShop on Training and Assessment
The 8th workshop on Training and Assessment took place from 19-20 September 2018 in the city of Tønsberg and university of south-eastern Norway (USN), campus Vestfold. READ MORE
TARG Meets with Optometry Researchers
On December 11th, TARG met with Prof. Rigmor Baraas and her research team CVRI working on color vision and retinal imaging at the Department of Optometry, Radiography and Lighting Design, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at USN. READ MORE
TARG partnership in IAMU research project
TARG is privileged to announce partnership in International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) research project on “Investigating seafarer training needs for operating autonomous ships”. READ MORE
TARG representation at CELDA 2018 in Budapest, Hungary
15thInternational conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2018) took place in Budapest, Hungary from 21st-23rdOctober. READ MORE
7th International Workshop on Training and Assessment
The 7thworkshop on training and assessment, this time lead by IMPROVE, was held in the Norwegian Maritime Competence Centre (NKM) in Ålesund. The theme of the workshop was “Improving Simulator Training and Performance Assessment”. READ MORE
TARG Presents at IEA 2018
During the last week of August TARG member Steven Mallam attended the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018) in Florence, Italy. READ MORE
TARG leads first-ever HORIZON 2020 project grants for USN
TARG will be the coordinator for the first HORIZON 2020 research grant won by University of South-Eastern Norway. READ MORE
TARG researcher contributed as co-editor to two new books on Advances in Human Factors
TARG researcher Salman Nazir is honoured to contribute as co-editor to third and fourth editions of the publications. READ MORE
Director of Development at the Estonian Maritime Academy Visits TARG
TARG hosted the director of development at Estonian Maritime Academy, Tallinn – MrDan Heering on the 18thof April 2018. READ MORE
Senior Researchers from IFE, Norway
On June 6th, two senior human factors researchers from Institute of energy technology (IFE), Halden; Alexandra Fernandes and Michael Hildebrandt visited TARG, USN. READ MORE
A visitor from Antwerp Maritime Academy, Belgium
TARG hosted Helga Van Noten, Lecturer and researcher from Antwerp Maritime Academy, Belgium. READ MORE
TARG receive praise in HSN media
The TARG team was featured in no less than two news articles on the website of University College of Southeast Norway (HSN) over the last month.
For link to articles see: READ MORE
Canadian PhD researcher visits TARG
Mashrura Musharraf visited TARG in Vestfold Norway this January. She is in her final stages of her PhD work with the Canadian research group Safety@Sea at Memorial University of Newfoundland, situated at St. Johns (among other campuses) in Canada. READ MORE
Call for papers for “Advances inVirtual and Augmented Reality for Training and Assessment”: Special Issue
In response to the increasing attention towards new and enhanced solutions for simulators used in training and education, the journal Advances in Human-Computer Interaction have invited TARG to propose a special issue in the area. A call for papers for this issue has thus been published. READ MORE
TARG visiting Qatar Universities
On the 17th of January, TARG member Salman Nazir visited the universities Texas A&M University at Qatar and Hamad Bin Khalifa University. READ MORE
TARG Visits Canadian University
On January 4th, TARG member Steven Mallam visited Memorial University of Newfoundland’s Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science to meet with Dr. Brian Veitch and his research team in St. John’s, Canada. READ MORE
TARG workshop in Tromso gives unique insights for Autonomy in maritime domain
The 6th Workshop on Training and Assessment titled “The Role of Autonomy in Maritime Education, Training and Operations” was successfully conducted on 23rd– 24th October at the Scandic Ishav Hotel in Tromsø. READ MORE
Practical guide for trust building in meetings and network
Professor Anne Haugen Gausdal from University College of Southeast Norway and her research fellow, research professor Helge Svare at the Work Research Institute, have developed a practical guide (in Norwegian) for building trust in meetings and networks. READ MORE
TARG Attends World’s Largest Modeling, Simulation and Training Event
TARG member Steven Mallam recently attended the “Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference” (I/ITSEC 2017) in Orlando, Florida from November 27th to December 1st. READ MORE
InnoTraining project meeting at Kongsberg Digital (KDI)
On Thursday 9th November, TARG team visited KDI for the InnoTraining project meeting. The new PhD hire (Sathiya) and master students (Sunniva and Anders), whose thesis will be within the InnoTraining project introduced themselves to KDI team and explained their upcoming data collection in winter. READ MORE
TARG attends TransNav Conference in Gdynia 2017
Transportation and Navigation Conference (TransNav) was held in Gdynia, Poland, 20th to 23rd of June 2017. TARG represented the conference with Salman Nazir, Kjell-Ivar Øvergård and Jorgen Ernstsen. READ MORE
TARG member on Norwegian national radio
Professor Kjell-Ivar Øvergård was interviewed for national radio on the program “Ship without Captain, a good idea?”. The program was aired on the the NRK P2 radio program ‘Ekko’ on the 18th of August. READ MORE
Researchers from Germany visits TARG,
TARG has recently had a visit from a prestigious German research group from Ruhr University of Bochum (RUB). With sponsorship from the Research Council of Norway and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), TARG and RUB have formed a close collaborative relationship. READ MORE
Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) Hosts Second InnoTraining Meeting
On Monday August 28th, the second meeting of TARG’s newly initiated project Innovating Maritime Training Simulators using Virtual and Augmented Reality (InnoTraining), was held at the IFE facilities in Halden, Norway. READ MORE
TARG attends conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics
The 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017) and the Affiliated Conferences was held at The Westin Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA July 17-21, 2017. READ MORE
Kick-off meeting for InnoTraining project
The InnoTraining project team |
Innovating Maritime Training Simulators using Virtual and Augmented Reality (InnoTraining) is a project won by TARG at the University College of Southeast Norway (HSN) and the Kongsberg Group (KDI), with IFE and POLIMI in an assisting role. READ MORE
9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics
The 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017) and the Affiliated Conferences is held at Loews Sapphire Resort, Universal Studios Orlando Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA July 22-26th in 2018. READ MORE
TARG researcher contributed as co-editor to second book
TARG researcher Salman Nazir (leader of TARG team) is honored to contribute as co-editor to second book, published by Springer. The title of the book is: Advances in Human Factors, Business Management and Leadership. READ MORE
TARG VR research covered on Norwegian national TV – NRK
See video from NRK (permission granted)
Training and Assessment Group (TARG) and Kongsberg Digital (KDI), applied in December 2016 for a project grant to support the innovation of maritime training simulators using virtual and augmented reality named InnoTraining. Research Council of Norway rewarded the project a grant of 13 million NOK. READ MORE
TARG researchers visit Germany in august 2017
Training and Assessment Research Group (TARG) with Salman Nazir and Jørgen Ernstsen have visited researchers in Bochum and Aachen (Germany). READ MORE
HSN’s new project: Achieve SFU status
Technical advancements, environmental challenges, and new trends in the maritime industry results in a need of higher skill among maritime students. Developing a more beneficial learning arena, especially in simulator based training, will give the students a better chance of adapting to the changes seen in the industry. READ MORE
TARG hosts Prof. Tareq Ahram from University of Central Florida, USA
TARG recently hosted Prof. Tareq Ahram from the University of Central Florida, USA for one-day visit for the occasion of the 5th Workshop on Training and Assessment. He is the lead scientist and research manager working at the Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering (IASE) at the University of Central Florida. READ MORE
TARG and Kongsberg Digital (KDI) – awarded a grant of 13 million NOK by Research Council of Norway
TARG submitted a project application entitled Innovating maritime training simulators using Virtual and Augmented Reality (InnoTraining) to Research Council of Norway (RCN) in co-operation with Kongsberg Digital (KDI) for the development of next generation of maritime training simulators. READ MORE
PhD position announced at HSN
Recently; TARG/ IMA has announced an opening for a PhD position at HSN. This PhD position is in connection with the current research project Innovating Maritime Training Simulators Using Virtual and Augmented Reality (InnoTraining).
For more information on the InnoTraining project, please see additional articles published.
TARG research member now Adjunct Professor
Professor Kjell Ivar Øvergård has just been appointed as adjunct professor (20%) position at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. He joined the department of nautical sciences in January 2017. He will mostly work with supervision of PhD-students and teaching on the Phd-program in Nautical Operations. READ MORE
TARG Workshop at Svendborg, Denmark
October 2016. Strengthening Norwegian Maritime Education, Training and Safety with national and international cooperation
An amalgamation of cross disciplines, expertise and cultures resulted in yet another successful (2-days) workshop on training and assessment with the theme “profit vs safety”.
TARG hosts Captain James Parson from Canada
November 2016. TARG hosted Captain James Parson (Academic Director, School of Maritime Studies, Marine Institute of Memorial University) from Canada for a one day visit. READ MORE
TARG succeed in obtaining research grant from the Brazilian National Research Council
November 2016. TARG participated in a research grant application to the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq). The evaluation resulted in the award of the research grant. READ MORE
TARG host research group from Germany
29.-31. August 2016
TARG had the pleasure of hosting an expert research group from Ruhr University Bochum with Prof. Kluge, Dr. Hagemann, Barbra Frank and Sebastian Brandhorst. The exchange project is in sponsorship by Research Council of Norway and DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). READ MORE
ONS Young Idea award
30. August 2016
PhD-researcher Jorgen Ernstsen participated in a national competition orchestrated by Lundin. It was revolved around “Can we do this differently and make it better?”, and asked for ideas which provide innovative ideas to solve challenges in the offshore industry. READ MORE
TARG reseacher contributed as co-editor to a book – Advances in Human Factors, Business Management , Training and Education.
A researcher from TARG (Salman Nazir – leader of TARG team) is honored to contribute to a book as co-editor, published by Springer.
Human factors examine the relationship between human beings and the system with which they interact. The importance of human factors and its applicability is growing in different domains. READ MORE
Representation of TARG at AHFE 2016 conference in Orlando USA
7th International conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics was held from 27th to 31st July at Orlando, USA and was attended by Dr. Salman Nazir. This is one of the biggest conferences in applied human factors. Dr. Nazir was Co- Chair of the track – “Human Factors in management and leadership”. The conference was attended by about 2000 delegates and participants. READ MORE
TARG Research member identifies plagiarism in PhD thesis
Aug – sep 2016
As chairman of the evaluation committee for a Phd-thesis Professor Øvergård discovered numerous instances of plagiarism in a doctoral thesis at the University of Stavanger (UiS) in Norway.
The plagiarism case have received lot of attention from news agencies in Norway. READ MORE
The 3rd workshop for Training and Assessment
was conducted successfully on 4th of May 2016 by project leader of the workshop associate professor Salman Nazir, and workshop admin head Sanda Knutson, at campus Vestfold. The theme of the workshop was: “Need for paradigm shift”. This theme falls under the rubric of MARKOM 2020. READ MORE
TARG visits Ruhr Bochum University (Germany)
One of the key factor in the growth of research groups is the quality of international collaboration they possess. The project (entitled: TITAP) won by TARG and RUB (led by prof. Nazir and prof. Kluge respectively) is aimed for such collaboration. As a part of TITAP, TARG visits an esteemed research group (led by prof. Annette Kluge) at RUB Germany. SEE MORE
Launch of
Friday 01.04.2016. TARG is proud to announce the launch of targlab.com. The team behind the curtain have put in significant effort in the development of the website. Creative ideas and creating beautiful content in a welcoming manner is a challenging task; however, dedication and the indomitable spirit of TARG have brought us targlab.com. SEE MORE
Need for cooperation and mutual understanding
Leading researchers from the maritime training and assessment scene in Europe met for a second workshop. SEE MORE