Training and Assessment Research Group
Our aim is to Improve Human Performance within modern complex systems
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Global market dynamics and competitiveness requires the systems to adapt and keep performing in a sustainable way. This requires research on performing efficient and safe operations by investigating the complex interdependency among humans and machines.
The increasing complexity of modern operations have put new demands on human operator that requires new solutions. Such methods and solutions can be achieved by rigorous, collaborative, and state of the art research, which is the core value of Training and Assessment Research Group (TARG).
More information
For more information regarding our current research project, InnoTraining, investigating virtual reality applications in training and assessment please visit InnoTraining
For more information regarding our upcoming international workshop on training and assessment follow this link to TARG workshops
Humans exhibit a nearly universal desire to learn and share news. TARG will constantly develop and improve their work. The results will be presented in the news bulletin. Please stop by to read about our work.
Year |
Title |
Funding Agency |
Amount |
2021 |
OpenAR – Framework for augmented reality advanced maritime operations |
Research Council of Norway (Competence and Collaboration Project) (NORWAY) /Work package leader |
1,169,122 EUR |
2020 |
OPENVR: Next generation virtual reality for human-centered ship design |
Research Council of Norway (Innovation Projects for the Industrial Sector) (NORWAY) /Work package leader |
656,671 EUR |
2019 |
OpenBridge Design System (ODES) |
Research Council of Norway (MAROFF-2) (NORWAY) /Work package leader |
1,497,064 EUR |
2019 |
Centre of Excellence in Maritime Simulator Training and Assessment (COAST) |
DIKU (Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education) /Scientific Leader |
9,000,000 EUR (94,162,000 NOK) |
2019 |
Enhancing Human Performance in Complex Socio-technical Systems (ENHANCE) |
EU (Horizon 2020) / Project Coordinator and Leader |
1,099,400 EUR |
2019 |
Investigating seafarer training needs for operating autonomous ships |
International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) / Project Partner |
60,000 USD |
2019 |
Workshops on Improving Maritime Education, Training and Performance Assessment in Norway |
MARKOM2020, Norway / Project Leader |
61,600 EUR |
2018 |
Development and Research Related to |
MARKOM2020, Norway / Project Partner |
107,700 EUR |
2018 |
Workshops on Improving Maritime Education, Training and Performance Assessment in Norway |
MARKOM2020, Norway / Project Leader |
66,000 EUR |
2018 |
Increased Value Creation in the Industry by Utilizing Autonomy in the Society (AUTOSTRIP) |
Research Council of Norway / Project Partner |
3,080,000 EUR |
2018 |
PhD Position at Department of Maritime Operations |
University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) / |
350,000 EUR |
2018 |
Human Maritime Autonomy Enable (HUMANE) |
Research Council of Norway / Project Partner |
1,240,000 EUR |
2017 |
A Human Centered Assessment to Evolve Autonomous Subsea Operations Via Sensor Fusion |
MARKOM2020, Norway / Project Partner |
85,000 EUR |
2017 |
Innovating Maritime Training Simulators using Virtual and Augmented Reality |
Research Council of Norway / Project Leader |
1,460,000 EUR |
See a complete list of grants here
Courses we teach
Course plan | Description | Responsible |
MM-HTO5081 | Human - Technology - Organization. Read more | |
MIS415 | Extended Reality Technology. Read more | Salman Nazir (Guest Instructor) |
MM-RES4001 | Research Methods. Read more | Steven C. Mallam |
TARG members
Training and Assessment Research Group (TARG) – led by Professor Salman Nazir – at University of South-Eastern Norway, Department of Maritime Operations (IMA), constitutes of 1 Professor, 2 Associate Professors, 6 PhD researchers and 1 Master student.
TARG staff and members

Salman Nazir
Salman Nazir is a Professor of Training and Assessment at the Department of Maritime Operations (IMA) in the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), also responsible as the Head of Training and Assessment Research Group (TARG). He obtained his Master from Hanyang University, South Korea and a PhD Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Italy.SEE MORE
Steven C. Mallam
Steven Mallam is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Technology and Maritime Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway. He obtained his PhD in Human Factors from Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) and a Master of Science specializing in work safety and ergonomics from Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada). SEE MORE.
Gesa Praetorius
Dr. Gesa Praetorius is an Associate Senior Lecturer in Maritime Science at Linnaeus University in Kalmar and an Adjunct Associate Professor within the Training and Assessment Research Group at University of South-Eastern Norway. SEE MORE.
Meet all TARG members here
Our Publications
An essential part of our efforts to disseminate our research is to publish our work through academic channels, such as journals, books and more.
All of USN’s and TARG publications are registered in the Current Research Information System in Norway (CRISTIN).
View our list of publications related to TARG.
All TARG members' publications can be accessed on
Recent publications:
Effectiveness of VR Head Mounted Displays in Professional Training: A Systematic Review.
Renganayagalu, S. K., Mallam, S. C. & Nazir, S. (2021).
Technology, Knowledge and Learning.
Shifting Participatory Design Approaches For Increased Resilience.
Mallam, S. C., Nordby, K., Haavardtun, P., Nordland, H. & Westerberg, T. V. (2021).
IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors.
A Delphi-AHP study on STCW leadership competence in the age of autonomous maritime operations.
Kim, T. & Mallam, S. (2020).
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 19(2), 163-181.
Enhanced accuracy for multi-class mental-workload detection using LSTM for BC.
Asgher, U., Khalil, K., Khan, M. J., Ahmad, R., Ayaz, Y., Naseer, N., ... & Nazir, S. (2020).
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, 584.
The human element in future Maritime Operations–perceived impact of autonomous shipping.
Mallam, S. C., Nazir, S., & Sharma, A. (2020).
Ergonomics, 63(3), 334-345.
Performance assessment in full-scale simulators–A case of maritime pilotage operations.
Ernstsen, J., & Nazir, S. (2020).
Safety Science, 129, 104775.
Framing the FRAM: A literature review on the functional resonance analysis method.
Patriarca, R., Di Gravio, G., Woltjer, R., Costantino, F., Praetorius, G., Ferreira, P., & Hollnagel, E. (2020).
Safety Science, 129, 104827.
Open user interface architecture for digital multivendor ship bridge systems.
Nordby, K., Mallam, S. C. & Lützhöft, M. (2019).
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 18(2), 297-318.
Rethinking Maritime Education, Training, and Operations in the Digital Era : Applications for Emerging immersive Technologies.
Mallam, S.C., Nazir, S., & Renganayagalu,S.K. (2019)
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7(12),428.
Incidental Memory Recall in Virtual Reality : An Empirical Investigation.
Ernstsen,J., Mallam, S.C., & Nazir, S. (2019)
In proceedings of the Human Factor and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting
Situationawareness information equipments for maritime navigation : A goal directed task analysis.
Sharma, A., Nazir, S., & Ernstsen, J.(2019)
Safety Science, 120, 745-752
Use of evidential reasoning for eliciting bayesian subjective probabilities in human reliability analysis: A maritime
Yang, Z., Abujaafar, K. M., Qu, Z., Wang, J., Nazir, S. (2019)
Ocean Engineering
Process equipment common attributes for inherently safer sustainable process design at preliminary design stage
Shariff, A. M., Buang, A., Athar, M., Nazir, S. (2019)
Process Safety and Environmental Protection
Maritime simulator training across Europe: A comparative study
Nazir, S., Jungefeldt, S., Sharma, A. (2018)
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 1-28
Consistency in the development of performance assessment methods in the maritime domain.
Ernstsen, J., & Nazir, S. (2018)
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 17(1),71-90
Collaborators and partners
Please visit TARG gallery to see more images
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Contact us
Located in the surroundings between Tønsberg and Horten. Modern campus with a broad range of student residences, sports, cultural and social activities.
Big enough to have a pulse, small enough so that you are seen. Over 80 studies that gives you a good combination of theory and practice. Studies leading to a job as a ship's officer, teacher, nurse, accountant or engineer. Designated nightspot on the pier in Tønsberg run by and for students. Read more
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Raveien 215
3184 Borre
Postal address
University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)
Post box 235
3603 Kongsberg
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Box 4, 3199 Borre
Phone : 31 00 80 90
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