TARG 4th workshop3
     Speakers    Program    Registration    Venue   Contacts


Day 1: Wednesday, 12th October 2016, Best Western Hotel Svendborg, Centrumpladsen 1, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark

Session Chair: Salman Nazir


09.30 Welcome by Michael Bang
Managing Director of Maersk Training Svendborg


09.45 Summary of the workshops held in 2015 & 2016
Salman Nazir, Associate Professor, University College of Southeast Norway (HSN), Norway


10.00 From seventeen to zero – eliminating DP incidents in offshore loading by combined training, system development and regulations
Arild Røen, Operation Manager, Kongsberg Maritime, Norway


10.30 Economics of Human Performance and Total ownership Cost for Maritime and Systems Design
  Tareq Ahram, PhD, University of Central Florida, USA


11.00     Coffee break and light refreshments


11.30 The AASTMT, 45 years of support for MET in the Arab World and Africa
Mahmoud Elsayed El Bawab, Senior Lecturer Capt., the Arab Academy for Science, Egypt


12.00 Mission Readiness Training and Assessment in Military Aviation – a look behind the scene
  Helmut Blaschke, Human Factors Trainer and Examiner Neuburg/Donau, Germany


12.30     Lunch


13.30 “A FUTURIST’S GUIDE TO CREWING – Are we cyber ready?”
Birgit Marie Liodden, Nor-Shipping Director, Nor-Shipping, Norway


14.00 Mixed-nationality crewing on board ships
  Iris Acejo, Research Associate, Cardiff University, UK


14.30                   Coffee break


15.00 Panel discussion
Prof. Dr. Anette Kluge, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Prof. Kenn Steger-Jensen, University College of Southeast Norway (HSN), Norway
Professor Kjell Ivar Øvergård, University College of Southeast Norway (HSN), Norway
Associate Professor,  Salman Nazir, University College of Southeast Norway (HSN), Norway


18.30     Dinner at Best Western Hotel




Day 2: Thursday, 13th October 2016, Maersk Training Center, Dyrekredsen 4, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark


09.00     Arrival at Maersk Training Center


09.10 Training for more safe and cost efficient operations
Adam Dawson, Senior Consultant at Maersk Training Svendborg


09.50     Walk to Maersk Offshore Simulation and Innovation Center


11.45     Walk to The Main building


12.00     Lunch


13.00     Departure from MT Svendborg