In the photo taken from web-stream: (from the left) Per Magnus Kommandantvold, special advisor at Research Council of Norway;
Salman Nazir, project ENHANCE leader and coordinator; Fredrik Olsson-Hector, Head of unit RISE, Research Executive Agency (REA),
European Commission. 24 January 2020, Oslo.
The Research Council of Norway (RCN) has arranged a seminar for prospective applicants seeking for funding through EU HORIZON 2020 framework. The seminar focused on projects aligning with Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) “Research and Innovation Staff Exchange” (RISE). The heart of the RISE scheme is Intersectoral and international academic staff exchanges. The seminar communicated nuances of how to start and execute an EU-funded project and informed the new applicants of practical challenges that they may face during this process.
The National Contact Point of Horizon 2020, Per Magnus Kommandantvold (RCN) and Berit Sundby Avset (RCN) along with Fredrik Olsson-Hector (REA) informed the prospective applicants about the formal requirements and expectations that are relevant for RISE.
TARG’s Salman Nazir, being invited by RCN shared his hands-on experience with leading the EU project ENHANCE at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). The goal was to communicate how ENHANCE helps young researchers to build competence and help institutions to establish sustainable collaborations between industrial and academic partners.
The session ended with Q&A session followed by a live stream online.
This project has received funding from
the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under the
Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement
No 823904