Photo: experienced ex- and current seafarers together with the academic staff of HVL, USN and NTNU.

Round-table exercise for the HUMANE project took place on 4th of October 2019 at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). The aim of the roundtable exercise was to extract tacit knowledge on seafarer’s skills that is often overlooked when maritime systems are designed from a pure engineering perspective.

HUMANE project is led by Western Norway University of Applied Science (HVL) and addresses the concern of the lack of consideration of the human element among current Autonomous Shipping initiatives. HUMANE should deliver a set of methods and guidelines for companies and educators on how to prepare the Human and Organizational aspects of complex maritime systems for a highly automated future.

Training and Assessment Research Group (TARG) at USN is a partner of the HVL in the project, co-organizing two research events and aiming to contribute to understanding of skills and competencies needed for the future of seafaring.



Photo: experienced seafarers modelling a situation on a virtual ship adjusted for inputs from the exercise’s scenario.

It was an enriching and productive exercise: Academia obtained insights on nuances that are overlooked from ashore; seafarers had the chance to be heard addressing their concerns and ideas.


Photo: experienced seafarers are discussing how the automation will affect duties on-board.

TARG is looking forward to the scaled-up HUMANE forecasting workshop at the USN, scheduled on 27th to 28th of November 2019.






Project HUMANE is funded by the Research Council of Norway