TARG receive praise in HSN media


The TARG team was featured in no less than two news articles on the website of University College of Southeast Norway (HSN) over the last month.

The first article praises the international acknowledgement given the work of TARG, through the publishing of two articles in the WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. This journal is well-known and accredited, providing a proof of quality for the two articles. The titles and authors of the articles are:

«Consistency in the development of performance assessment methods in the maritime domain»
by Jørgen Ernstsen & Salman Nazir.

«Simulator Training for Maritime Complex Tasks: An Experimental Study»
by Karina Hjelmervik, Salman Nazir & Andreas Myhrvold.

For more information see: https://www.usn.no/aktuelt/nyhetsarkiv/internasjonal-oppmerksomhet-til-maritimt-forskningsarbeid-article214077-7457.html

The second article reports how TARG member and PhD student Jørgen Ernstsen have earned a passing grade in his PhD midway evaluation. This evaluation marks a big milestone in a PhD student’s work and is an indicator of great progress. This maritime PhD is a newly developed program in cooperation between four universities in Norway, and Ernsten is the first candidate in this program at HSN. So far, his study is showing great promise, and this midway evaluation was a big stepping stone on the way toward high level end results.

For more information see: https://www.usn.no/om-hsn/organisering/fakultetene/fakultet-for-teknologi-naturvitenskap-og-maritime-fag/institutt-for-maritime-operasjoner/aktuelt/forste-bestatte-midtveisevaluering-i-ny-doktorgrad-article214064-32260.html