TARG host research group from Germany
TARG hosts visitors from Germany
29.-31. August 2016
TARG had the pleasure of hosting an expert research group from Ruhr University Bochum with Prof. Kluge, Dr. Hagemann, Barbra Frank and Sebastian Brandhorst. The exchange project is in sponsorship by Research Council of Norway and DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).
Together with the German research group (led by Dr. Kluge) a project named Towards Improvement in Training and Performance, TITAP which serves to foster the international collaboration between TARG and Germany, has brought forward interesting research regarding operator’s complex characteristics while navigating maritime vessels.
The visit from Germany has generated a significant progress in the research development and proved high value to both TARG and the research group form Germany. In addition to the dedicated work, a friendly and inspiring work atmosphere have developed between the two research groups which serves to connect further ties between HSN and Ruhr University Bochum.
Under the project (TITAP), the researchers from TARG have visited the research group in Germany and the news regarding that visit can be found here