TARG succeeded in obtaining a research grant from the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq) as a foreign partner
Salman Nazir (left) and Paulo de Carvalho (right) at a Conference on Safety in Italy
November 2016. TARG participated in a research grant application (as a foreign partner) to the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq). This was for conducting simulated exercises for resilient performance in response to emergencies and disasters, jointly with Complex Systems Technology research group. The evaluation resulted in the award of the research grant. This grant, led by Prof. Paulo de Carvalho from Brazil, was highly competitive. Prof. Paulo is a researcher at the nuclear engineering institute and full professor in ergonomics and resilience engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janiero.
Associate Professor Salman Nazir was invited by Complex systems technology research group as an expert on training and assessment (representing TARG and HSN) as a foreign partner for collaboration in the grant application earlier this year. The grant is focused on simulator training in emergency situation which is a core topic for TARG as well as the department. This work will foster the ongoing collaboration between TARG, University college of Southeast Norway and Complex Systems Technology research group, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.