13th International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation (TransNav) was held in Gdynia,
Poland from 12th to 14th June 2019, which is organized by the Faculty of Navigation of the Gdynia Maritime University and
The Nautical Institute. This year TARG represented the conference with Salman Nazir.
The titles of papers presented by TARG at the conference are:
- Impact of simulation fidelity on student self-efficacy and perceived skill development in maritime training.
K. Renganayagalu, S.C. Mallam, S. Nazir, J. Ernstsen& P. Haavardtun - Distributed Situation Awareness in a demanding maritime operation: A case study of the sub-sea segment.
Norstein, A. Sharma, S. Jungefeldt & S. Nazir
The conference marked an end to a productive week by sharing knowledge, experience and research results of scientists and
industry participants concerning all aspects of navigation, safety of navigation and sea transportation.
TARG is looking forward to attending TransNav at the next event in 2021!