TARG attends TransNav Conference in Gdynia 2017
From left: Jørgen Ernstsen and Salman Nazir |
Transportation and Navigation Conference (TransNav) was held in Gdynia, Poland, 20th to 23rd of June 2017. TARG represented the conference with Salman Nazir, Kjell-Ivar Øvergård and Jorgen Ernstsen. Salman and Kjell were also chair members during a selection of the conference’s presentations.
The titles of papers presented at the conference from TARG are:
- Human Reliability Analysis of a Pilotage Operation – Jørgen Ernstsen & Salman Nazir
- Distributed Situation Awareness in Pilotage operations: Implications and Challenges – Amit Sharma and Salman Nazir
- Safety management on the bridge: Safety cultural factors for crew member’s safety behavior – Xiao Xiao & Salman Nazir
- Towards automated performance assessment of maritime navigation and maneuvering – Kjell-Ivar Øvergård, Salman Nazir and Alexander S. Solberg
- Shared mental models of Challenging Maritime Situations: Comparisons of ship and shore personnel in in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. – Marius Imset and Kjell Ivar Øvergård
Gdynia was a very nice experience in terms of academic input and social networking. The conference ended with fireworks on the 23rd of June.
We will also congratulate our colleague Halvor Schøyen (representing Maritime Logistics research group with paper) with an interesting presentation on his topic.
TARG is looking forward to attend TransNav at the next event in 2019.