Representation of TARG at AHFE 2016 conference in Orlando USA

7th International conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics
7th International conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics was held from 27th to 31st July at Orlando, USA and was attended by Dr. Salman Nazir. This is one of the biggest conferences in applied human factors. The conference consists of several tracks. Dr. Nazir is Co- Chair of the track – “Human Factors in management and leadership”. The conference was attended by about 2000 delegates and participants.
TARG has total of 3 talks which resulted in 3 publications also.
The details of articles published in springer are as follows (Level-1 publications):
Schlacht, I. L., Del Mastro, A., & Nazir, S. (2017). Virtual Reality for Safety, Entertainment or Education: The Mars Mission Test Advances in Applied Digital Human Modeling and Simulation (pp. 75-83): Springer International Publishing.
Schlacht, I. L., ….Nazir S., . . . Rittweger, J. (2016). From Virtual Reality to Neutral Buoyancy—Methodologies for Analyzing Walking Pattern on Moon and Mars Advances in Safety Management and Human Factors (pp. 387-397): Springer International Publishing.
Fjærli, B. A. B., Nazir, S., & Øvergård, K. I. (2017). Gender Bias in the Perception of Outstanding Leadership in the Maritime Industry Advances in Human Factors, Business Management, Training and Education (pp. 359-369): Springer International Publishing.