View all TARG-members’ publications in
Publications 2021
Effectiveness of VR Head Mounted Displays in Professional Training: A Systematic Review.
Renganayagalu, S. K., Mallam, S. C. & Nazir, S. (2021).
Technology, Knowledge and Learning.
Shifting Participatory Design Approaches For Increased Resilience.
Mallam, S. C., Nordby, K., Haavardtun, P., Nordland, H. & Westerberg, T. V. (2021).
IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors.
Publications 2020
The Enhanced accuracy for multi-class mental-workload detection using LSTM for BCI.
Asgher, U., Khalil, K., Khan, M. J., Ahmad, R., Ayaz, Y., Naseer, N., … & Nazir, S. (2020)
Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, 584.
The human element in future Maritime Operations–perceived impact of autonomous shipping.
Mallam, S. C., Nazir, S., & Sharma, A. (2020).
Ergonomics, 63(3), 334-345.
Performance assessment in full-scale simulators–A case of maritime pilotage operations.
Ernstsen, J., & Nazir, S. (2020).
Safety Science, 129, 104775.
A Delphi-AHP study on STCW leadership competence in the age of autonomous maritime operations.
Kim, T. E., & Mallam, S. (2020)
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 19(2), 163-181.
Framing the FRAM: A literature review on the functional resonance analysis method.
Patriarca, R., Di Gravio, G., Woltjer, R., Costantino, F., Praetorius, G., Ferreira, P., & Hollnagel, E. (2020).
Safety Science, 129, 104827
Publications 2019
Open user interface architecture for digital multivendor ship bridge systems.
Nordby, K., Mallam, S. C. & Lützhöft, M. (2019).
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 18(2), 297-318.
Rethinking Maritime Education, Training, and Operations in the Digital Era: Applications for Emerging Immersive Technologies.
Mallam, S. C., Nazir, S., & Renganayagalu, S. K. (2019).
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7(12), 428.
Incidental Memory Recall in Virtual Reality: An Empirical Investigation.
Ernstsen, J., Mallam, S. C., & Nazir, S. (2019, November).
In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 2277-2281). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Situation awareness information requirements for maritime navigation: A goal directed task analysis.
Sharma, A., Nazir, S., & Ernstsen, J. (2019).
Safety Science, 120, 745-752.
Use of evidential reasoning for eliciting bayesian subjective probabilities in human reliability analysis: A maritime case
Yang, Z., Abujaafar, K. M., Qu, Z., Wang, J., Nazir, S. (2019)
Ocean Engineering
Process equipment common attributes for inherently safer sustainable process design at preliminary design stage
Shariff, A. M., Buang, A., Athar, M., Nazir, S. (2019)
Process Safety and Environmental Protection
Publications 2018
Maritime simulator training across Europe: A comparative study
Nazir, S., Jungefeldt, S., Sharma, A. (2018)
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 1-28
Consistency in the development of performance assessment methods in the maritime domain.
Ernstsen, J., & Nazir, S. (2018)
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 17(1),71-90
Simulator Training for Maritime Complex Tasks: An Experimental Study.
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs
The Level of Automation in Emergency Quick Disconnect Decision Making.
Imset, M., Falk, K., Kjørstad, M., & Nazir, S. (2018)
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 6(1), 17.
Design of Experiment Comparing Users of Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays and Desktop Computers
Mallam, SC.,, Nazir, S., Renganayagalu, SK., Ernstsen, J., Veie, S.(2018)
Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 240-249
Bayesian Network for Assessing Performance in Complex Navigation – Conceptual Model
Ernstsen, J., Musharraf, Mallam, Nazir, S. & Veitch (2018)
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 62(1), 1751–1755.
Bayesian Model of Operator Challenges in Maritime Pilotage.
Ernstsen, J., Musharraf, & Nazir, S. (2018)
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 62(1), 1813–1817.
Publications 2017
Shared mental models of challenging maritime situations: Comparisons of ship and shore personnel in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore.
Imset, M., & Øvergård, K. I. (2017).
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 11.
DOI: 10.12716/1001.11.02.05
Advance use of Training Simulator in Maritime Education and Training: A questionnaire study
Nazir, S. & Hjelmervik, K.
Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017). Los Angeles, California, USA, July 17-21, 2017.
Leading for safety. A weighted safety leadership model in shipping.
Kim, T.E. and Gausdal, A.H. (2017).
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 165 (September 2017), 458-466
Motigravity: a new VR system to increase performance and safety in space operations simulation and rehabilitation medicine
Del Mastro A., Schlacht I.L., Benyouce Y., Groemer G. & Nazir S.
Proceeding of the 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2017). Los Angeles, California, USA, July 17-21, 2017.
Distributed Situation Awareness in pilotage operations: Implications and Challenges.
Sharma, A., & Nazir, S. (2017)
TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 11(2), 103-107.
Trust and Safety on Board.
Gausdal, A.H. and Makarova, J. (2017).
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 16(2), 197-217
The multifaceted role of the network orchestrator – a longitudinal study.
Nilsen, E.R. and Gausdal, A.H. (2017)
International Journal of Innovation Management, 21(6).
Towards automated performance assessment for maritime navigation and manoeuvring
Øvergård, K. I., Nazir, S., Solberg, A. S. (2017)
TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 11(2), 43-48.
Safety Management on the Bridge: Safety Cultural Factors for Crew Member´s Safety Behaviour
Nazir, S. Xiao, X. (In press)
TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Human Reliability Analysis of a Pilotage Operation
Ernstsen, J., Nazir, S., Røed, B. K. (In press)
TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
What’s in it for the firm? Innovation benefits from participating in constructed regional triple-helix networks.
Elvekrok, I., Veflen, N., Nilsen, E.R. and Gausdal, A.H., (2017) Regional studies.
Dynamic Capabilities and Network Benefits.
Svare, H. and Gausdal, A.H. (2017)
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation 13(1), 117-146.
Gender Bias in the Perception of Outstanding Leadership in the Maritime Industry
Fjærli, B.A.B., Nazir, S. And Øvergård, K.I. (2017)
Advances in Human Factors, Business Management, Training and Education, pp.359-369, Springer
Publications 2016
Human error and response to alarms in process safety
Mrugalska, B., Nazir, S., Tytyk, E., & Øvergård, K. I. (2016b).
Journal of the Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Medellin Campus, 83, 81.
Use of evidential reasoning for eliciting Bayesian subjective probabilities in human reliability analysis.
Abujaafar, K. M., Qu, Z., Yang, Z., Wang, J., Nazir, S. & Øvergård, K. I. (2016).
SoSE2016 ’SoSe and Cyber Physical Systems, 12-16 June in Kongsberg Norway, (pp. 1-6). IEEE
Why don’t all high-trust networks achieve strong network benefits? A case-based exploration of cooperation in Norwegian SME networks.
Gausdal, A.H., Svare, H. and Möllering, G. Trust, (2016)
Journal of Trust Research. 6(2), 194-212.
Trust-building in networks as practical social learning processes.
Gausdal, A. H. (2016).
In S. Jagd & L. Fuglsang (Eds.), Trust, Organizations and Social Interaction. Studying Trust as Process within and between Organizations. 125-145. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar
How extreme environments can impact the training of industrial operators
Manca, D., Nazir, S., Komulainen, L & Øvergård, K. I. (2016)
Chemical Engineering Transactions, 52, 193-198.
Systemising Performance Indicators in the Assessment of Complex Sociotechnical Systems
Ernstsen, J., Nazir, S. and Manca, D. (2016)
Chemical Engineering Transactions 52, 187-192.
Collaborative Virtual Environment for Training Teams in Emergency Situations
Passos, C., Nazir, S., Mol, A. C. A. and Carvalho, P. V. R. (2016)
Chemical Engineering Transactions 52, 217-222
Human Reliability Analysis of a Pilotage Operation
Ernstsen, J., Nazir, S., Røed, B. K. (In press)
TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Towards performance assessment of tomorrows operator.
Nazir, S. and Ernstsen, J. (2016).
Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016). Walt Disney World, Florida, USA, July 27-31, 2016.
Enhancing the effectiveness of marine engine room simulator-based training.
Nazir, S. and Kim T
Proceedings International Association of Maritime Universities, 2017 in 26 – 29 October 2016, Haiphong, Vietnam
Exploring marine accident causation: A case study.
T., Kim, S. Nazir
Proceedings from International Conference on Occupational Safety and Hygiene SHO 2016 (Manuscript accepted)
A STAMP-based causal analsis of the Korean Sewol Ferry Accident.
Kim, T. E., S. Nazir, Øvergård, K. I. (2016).
Safety Science, 83, 93-101.
Assessment team decision-making Assessment team decision-making: One way to assess the multi-criteria decision-making based on observation.
Ferreira R.J., Carvalho P.V.R.D., Nazir, S., Jose O.G.
Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2016 Conference – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2016
Immersive Virtual Environment or conventional training? Assessing the effectiveness of different training methods on the performance of industrial operators in an accident scenario.
Nazir, S., Gallace, A., Manca, D., & Øvergård, K. I. (2016)
In Carvalho and Azedes (eds.). Ergonomics and Safety Management, (pp. 213-233). Taylor & Francis.
Simulators for transportation human factors: research and practice
Øvergård, K. I., Hontvedt, M., Sorensen, L. J., Smit, P. N. & Nazir, S. (2016)
Maritime Resource Management and Simulator Training. In M. S. Young and M. G. Lenné (eds.) Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
Advances in Human Factors, Business Management, Training and Education
JI Kantola, T Barath, Nazir, S., T Andre
Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors, Business Management and Society, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA, Springer
Virtual reality for safety, entertainment or education: The Mars mission test
Irene Lia Schlachta, Antonio Del Mastro, Nazir, S. (2016).
Advances in Applied Digital Human Modeling and Simulation, Springer International Publishing, pp. 75-83
From Virtual Reality to Neutral Buoyancy—Methodologies for Analyzing Walking
Pattern on Moon and Mars
Schlacht, I. L., Foing, B., Benassai, M., Bringeland, S., Deml, B., Del Mastro, A., Masali, M., Micheletti, C. M., Nazir, S., Rittweger, J., Stevenin, H. (2016).
Advances in Safety Management and Human Factors (pp. 387-397): Springer International Publishing.
Perception of Outstanding Leadership for Male and Female Leaders in Maritime Domain.
Fjærli, B. A. B., Nazir, S. and Øvergård, K. I. (2016).
In Kantola, JI, Barath, T., Nazir, S., Andre, T. (eds). Advances in Human Factors, Business Management, Training and Education (pp. 359-369).
Publications 2015
The role of situation awareness in accidents of large-scale technological systems
Mohsen Naderpour, S. Nazir, Jie Lu
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 97, 13-24 (2015)
Impact of Training Methods on Distributed Situation Awareness of Industrial Operators
Nazir, L. J. Sørensen, K. I.Øvergård, D. Manca
Safety Science, 73, 136-145 (2015)
Stability of Physically Immobilized Ionic Liquids Used for Hg Adsorption from Gas Stream
Abbas T., Lethesh, K. C., Ibrahim, M., Abdul Mutalib, M., Kuah, Y., Shah, S. N., Nazir, S., Amiruddin H., Mahpuzah, bt Abai, Khan, E. (2015)
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54(48), 12114-1212
DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.5b01738.
How a Plant Simulator can Improve Industrial Safety
Nazir, D. Manca
Process Safety Progress, 34, 3, pages 237–243, DOI 10.1002/prs (2015)
Critical incidents during dynamic positioning: operators’ situation awareness and decision-making in maritime operations
I.Øvergård, L. J. Sørensen, S. Nazir, T. J. Martinsen
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 16(4), 366-387.
Distributed Situation Awareness in Nuclear, Process and Maritime Domains.
Nazir., Carvalho, P. V. R., Gomez, J-O., Borges, R. S., Vidal, M. C. R., Øvergård, K. I., & Manca, D.
Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 409-414
Hazards Of Mercury – Safety Perspectives And Measures
Tauqeer A., S.Nazir, Overgard K.I., Mutalib M.I.A., Khan E.
Chemical Engineering Transactions , 43, 2143-2148. DOI: 10.3303/CET1543358
Process safety control for occupational accident prevention
Mrugalska, S. Nazir, E. Tytyk, K.I. Øvergård
Occupational Safety and Hygiene III (Taylor and Francis)
Edited by Pedro M. Arezes, João Santos Baptista, Monica P. Barroso, Paula Carneiro, Patrício Cordeiro, Nelson Costa, Rui B. Melo, A. Sergio Miguel, Gonçalo Perestrelo, (pp. 365-369) 2015
Mercury emissions, hazards and preventive measures: a review
Abbas, S. Nazir, M.I.A. Mutalib, B. Mrugalska
Occupational Safety and Hygiene III (Taylor and Francis)
Edited by Pedro M. Arezes, João Santos Baptista, Monica P. Barroso, Paula Carneiro, Patrício Cordeiro, Nelson Costa, Rui B. Melo, A. Sergio Miguel, Gonçalo Perestrelo, (pp. 411-415) 2015
Maritime Resource Management and Simulator Training
Øvergård, K. I., Hontvedt, M., Sorensen, L. J., & S. Nazir (accepted)
In M. S. Young and M. G. Lenné (eds.) Simulators for transportation human factors: research and practice (Ashgate)
Towards effective training for process and maritime industries
Nazir, S., Øvergård, K. I., Yang, Z. L.
Procedia Manufacturing (2015) 3, 1519-1526.
Assessing navigational teamwork through the situational relevance of communication
Øvergård, K. I., Sorensen, L. J., Nazir, S., Nielsen, A. R.
Procedia Manufacturing (2015). 3, 2589-2596
Virtual and real simulation to increase safety in extreme context – Space and chemical industry
Schlacht I., Nazir S., Manca D.
Procedia Manufacturing , 3, 1817-1824
Modelling Adequacy of Organisation in Human Reliability Analysis – A Case of Marine Engineering Operations
Abujaafar K.M., Yang, Z. L., J. Wang, Nazir, S., Øvergård, K. I.(2015)
European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL to be held at ETH, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, in Zürich (pp. 357 – 362).
The Impact of Trainer of Training Transferability.
Nazir, S. & Øvergård, K. I., & Manca, D. (2015)
In K. I. Fostervold, S. Å. K. Johnsen, L. Rydstedt and R. G. Watten (Eds.) Creating Sustainable Work Environments, (C2-5 – C2-9). Lillehammer, 1-4 of November, 2015, Lysaker, Norway: Norwegian society for ergonomics and human factors.
Effect of Normative vs. Descriptive Concepts on the Evaluation of Accident Narratives.
Øvergård, K. I., Paulsen, M., & Nazir, S. (2015).
In K. I. Fostervold, S. Å. K. Johnsen, L. Rydstedt and R. G. Watten (Eds.) Creating Sustainable Work Environments, (pp. A3-6 – A3-10). Lillehammer, 1-4 of November, 2015, Lysaker, Norway: Norwegian society for ergonomics and human factors.
Training Simulator for Extreme Environments.
Nazir, S., Manca, D., Komulainen, T., & Øvergård, K. I. (2015).
In K. I. Fostervold, S. Å. K. Johnsen, L. Rydstedt and R. G. Watten (Eds.) Creating Sustainable Work Environments,(pp. C5-16 – C5-20). Lillehammer, 1-4 of November, 2015, Lysaker, Norway: Norwegian society for ergonomics and human factors.
Sustainable Quality: From Space Stations To everyday Contexts On Earth.
Schlacht I, Ceppi, G., Nazir, S., (2015).
In K. I. Fostervold, S. Å. K. Johnsen, L. Rydstedt and R. G. Watten (Eds.) Creating Sustainable Work Environments,(pp. A1-5 – A1 7). Lillehammer, 1-4 of November, 2015, Lysaker, Norway: Norwegian society for ergonomics and human factors.