HSN’s new project: Achieve SFU status
It is important to stay alert and keep up with the changes in our ever-evolving world: Technical advancements, environmental challenges, and new trends in the maritime industry results in a need of higher skill among maritime students. Developing a more beneficial learning arena, especially in simulator based training, will give the students a better chance of adapting to the changes seen in the industry.
The Centres for Excellence in Education Initiative (SFU) is a status awarded by NOKUT. It is achieved by institutions proving excellence in quality and innovative practices in maritime education (www.nokut.no). In achieving SFU status, the institutions involved will benefit in a professional reputation and profitable educational standards.
The MARKOM leaders (ILER) have decided that time has come for maritime education in Norway to reach a higher level, and therefore to initiate a SFU application project. The SFU project involves four institutions: HSN, HVL, NTNU and UiT, and consists of a pre-project and a main project. These four institutions will work together with the application for SFU status.
The SFU pre-project is led by HSN representative Assos. Professor Salman Nazir.
Following the SFU pre-project, a SFU main project of achieving SFU status will be conducted. Gaining SFU status will result in enhanced focus on research- based education and innovation within the involved institutions.
09th January, 2017 was the official starting date of the SFU pre-project, which was made a reality by the vision of ILER and generosity of MARKOM2020. Supporting the development of maritime education, MARKOM2020 contributed a grant of 1 million NOK to the SFU pre-project.
The goal of the SFU pre-project is to clarify challenges in each institution, regarding the standards of SFU, and implement improvements to these challenges. The SFU pre-project will give a basis for the main project starting this autumn, eventually resulting in an application to NOKUT for SFU in 2019.