ENAHNCE coordinator Prof. Salman Nazir form the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) was invited in the “Norwegian launch of Horizon Europe” on 26th October, arranged by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) to share his motivation for applying for EU project and the required scientific quality of such. Prof. Nazir shared his experiences and few practical advises related to the application and the management of Horizon 2020 RISE project. 

Prof.Nazir presenting


[Prof. Nazir presenting on behalf of USN at the Norwegian launch of Horizon Europe]

The Ministerial Councilor in the EU’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Signe Ratso, the Education minister, the Trade minister, CEOs of all major research organizations of Norway along with around 3000 participants (both online and offline) joined the live event

The video recording of the live event can be found in this link (ENHANCE starts at about 34:00) : https://vimeo.com/472252181/f6efee79c0