

The 9th Workshop on Training and Assessment titled “Enlightening the Technology Gap for Safety: Work as Done vs. Work as Imagined” was successfully conducted on 9th-10th October 2019 at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), campus Drammen.

Improving safety in maritime and process industry has been the prime focus of TARG workshops since the beginning. The two-day event in Drammen this year included a wide range of participants from academia and industry where different aspects of technology, training and competency were addressed through dialogue and discussion.The technological advancement creates new demands while re-shuffling the responsibilities of managers and workers; therefore, the objective is to understand better the role of human in interacting with the evolving complex socio-technical systems.

The whole program was divided into two days of presentations with 12 speakers from 9 universities and 3 industries. The workshop speakers emphasized the importance of developing new training and assessment methodologies to enhance human performance within the evolving industries. They also argued the link between industry and research to be crucial, that collaboration is necessary to achieve the best results.

In addition, the participants visited a medical simulator at the USN’s Department of Nursing and Health Sciences, to familiarize with – and discuss – opportunities and challenges that other domains are facing using the advanced technology for training.

The workshop ended with a panel discussion in an attempt to blend all the outcomes from the Workshop. The researchers and industrial panelists shared their thoughts and experiences on how to find the right balance in the process of training and seek novel opportunities for research.


The presentations of the speakers can be found below (click to view / download):

Paal Aamaas – Welcome and Introduction
TARG presentation and Workshop Summary
Zaili Yang – Human Reliability Analysis with Uncertainty in Data
Margareta Lützhöft- Future Skills for maritime high automation
Jarle Løwe Sørensen-Maritime cross-sector collaboration exercises
Kjetil Nordby- Designing for augmented reality in maritime workplaces
Charlott Sellberg – Training and assessing future mariners in simulated environments
Marina Klostermann- Identifying Potential Challenges and Needs in the Maritime Industry
Kristine Størkersen- Safety Management in the Transition to autonomous Shipping
Kjetil Nordby- Designing for augmented reality in maritime workplaces





